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40 cimarron max herbicide

DuPont CIMARRON PLUS HERBICIDE 10OZ - This item: DuPont CIMARRON PLUS HERBICIDE 10OZ $113.79 Southern Ag Surfactant for Herbicides Non-Ionic, 128oz - 1 Gallon $27.91 Cimarron Plus Range and Pasture Herbicide with Metsulfuron Methyl - 10 Ounces $123.20 Field King 190328 Backpack Sprayer, 4 Gallon, 5,036 29 offers from $79.99 Cimarron Plus Herbicide - Apply Cimarron Plus Herbicide at 0.125 ounce/acre plus a non-ionic surfactant at the rate of 2 to 4 pints/100 gallons of spray solution, on all labeled grasses when the majority of the grasses have one or more leaves. Do not use a spray adjuvant other than non-ionic surfactant. ESTABLISHED GRASSES Use Rates for Established Grasses:

Cimarron Max - Bayer CIMARRON MAX HERBICIDE is a broad spectrum herbicide for the control and suppression of broadleaf weeds and brush. CIMARRON MAX HERBICIDE consists of a dry-flowable granular CIMARRON® MAX PART A HERBICIDE and a liquid CIMARRON®MAX PART B HERBICIDE.

Cimarron max herbicide

Cimarron max herbicide

PDF Dupont™ Cimarron® Max Herbicide - Cdms For control of snow on the mountain, apply CIMARRON® MAX herbicide at Rate 1.5. Rate 1.5 is CIMARRON® MAX PART A at 0.33 ounces/A plus CIMARON® MAX PART B at 1.33 pints/A. Rate 1.5 will treat 15 acres when mixing 5 ounces CIMARERON® MAX PART A + 2.5 gallons CIMARRON® MAX PART B. Application must include an adjuvant. Cim Max Part A A01740147 R5 150811AV2 9.5 x 17.25 DFU 090116 CIMARRON MAX PART A HERBICIDE is a dry-flowable granule that controls or suppresses broadleaf weeds and brush. CIMARRON MAX PART A HERBICIDE is mixed in water or can be preslurried in water and added to liquid nitrogen carrier solutions and applied as a uniform broadcast spray. Cimarron Max Herbicide, Bayer. Industrial Vegetation Management Cimarron MAX Herbicide provides an economical weed control option to help manage your Pasture and CRP acres. A single application of Cimarron MAX herbicide provides season-long control of a broad spectrum of your toughest broadleaf weeds, including mustards, prickly lettuce and Russian thistle. Cimarron MAX also suppresses Canada thistle.

Cimarron max herbicide. Cimarron Max Herbicide, Bayer | Forestry Distributing North America's ... Cimarron MAX Herbicide provides an economical weed control option to help manage your Pasture and CRP acres. A single application of Cimarron MAX herbicide provides season-long control of a broad spectrum of your toughest broadleaf weeds, including mustards, prickly lettuce and Russian thistle. Cimarron MAX also suppresses Canada thistle. Cimarron Plus - The Landscaper Store Cimarron Plus Range and Pasture Herbicide with Metsulfuron Methyl (2 oz. 10 oz.) Cimarron Plus is a broad-spectrum herbicide for the control and suppression of broadleaf weeds and brush. It controls weeds by preemergence and postemergence activity. Cimarron Plus is a dry-flowable granule that controls or suppresses broadleaf weeds and brush. Cimarron Max Herbicide, Bayer | Hart AglandAmerica's Ag Products Leader A single application of Cimarron MAX herbicide provides season-long control of a broad spectrum of your toughest broadleaf weeds, including mustards, prickly lettuce and Russian thistle. Cimarron MAX also suppresses Canada thistle. Active Ingredients: Metsulfuron Methyl 0.75% + Dicamba 12.5% + 2,4-D 35.25% Signal Word - DANGER / PELIGRO Cimarron Plus Range and Pasture Herbicide with Metsulfuron Methyl - 10 ... Product description Cimarron Plus made by DuPont along with one pint of Surfactant. This is one of the newer herbicides on the market for the control of a huge range of weeds. This product is labeled for use on pastures, rangeland, and established grasses on acres enrolled in the conservation program.

Cimarron Max | Bayer Environmental Science | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Cimarron Max Bayer Environmental Science. Labels. Label SDS. Snapshot ID: 46270 Active ingredients 2,4-D Dimethylamine Salt Dicamba Dimethylamine Salt Metsulfuron Methyl Classification. O. Herbicide. WSSA mode of action 4 Action like indole acetic acid (synthetic auxins) Classification. O. Herbicide. WSSA mode of action PDF Grazing Restrictions by Herbicide The herbicide label is always the final authority on herbicide uses and precautions. Table I - 1. Grazing Restrictions for Rangeland Herbicides (always follow label as herbicide labels can change) ... (Cimarron Max) 0.25 to 1 oz + 1 to 4 pts 0.012 to 0.047 ai + 0.48 to 1.94 ae Shop | FBN Bayer Environmental Science Cimarron® Max Part B Herbicide This product used for comparison purposes only and not available for purchase on FBN. Product details Instructions Select the crop you plan on applying Cimarron® Max Part B Herbicide to and then a usage to see label suggestion for application rate, tank mixes, and other info. Cimarron Max Herbicide - Ranch Wholesale Cimarron MAX Herbicide provides an economical weed control option to help manage your Pasture and CRP acres. A single application of Cimarron MAX herbicide provides season-long control of a broad spectrum of your toughest broadleaf weeds, including mustards, prickly lettuce and Russian thistle. Cimarron MAX also suppresses Canada thistle.

PDF United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, Dc 20460 CIMARRON®MAX HERBICIDE is absorbed through the foliage and roots of broadleaf weeds, rapidly inhibiting their growth. The effects of CIMARRON®MAX HERBICIDE may be seen on plants from within a few hours to a few days. The most noticeable symptom is bending and twisting of stems and leaves. PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DUPONT CIMARRON MAX HERBICIDE, 12/11 ... DUPONT™ CIMARRON™ MAX herbicide A Two Part Product For Use on Pastures, Rangeland or Established Grasses on Acres Enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program CIMARRONTM MAX PART A herbicide plus CIMARRONTM MAX PART B herbicide PDF The MSDS format adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements ... Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Potential Health Effects Eye contact with Cimarron Max may cause eye corrosion or ulceration; blindness may result. Direct eye contact with the aerosol may cause eye irritation with tearing, pain or blurred vision. Cimarron Plus Herbicide, Bayer | Forestry Distributing North America's ... $29.95 Qty: Cimarron Plus Herbicide, 10 Oz. Cimarron Plus Herbicide offers residual control to protect pasture and rangeland grasses from problem broadleaf weeds and it offers good activity on woody species like buckbrush, blackberries and dewberries, as well as tough broadleaf weeds like common mullein and sericea lespedeza.

PDF 2017 RANGE AND PASTURE Management Manual Cimarron® MAX offers excellent weed control to help improve the quality and yield of your pastures and rangeland. A single application of Cimarron® MAX herbicide can help provide season-long control of a broad spectrum of weeds. Effective and affordable weed control is the key to realizing the full potential of today's pastures and rangeland.

Cimarron Plus Range and Pasture Herbicide - Solutions Pest & Lawn Cimarron Plus Range and Pasture Herbicide is a broad-spectrum herbicide that's intended for use in pastures and rangeland, especially for eliminating annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in forage grasses. Cimarron Plus can be used for pre-plant, pre-emergent and early post-emergent treatments. $121.15 Add to Cart Expert Help Available In Store

Cimarron Plus Range & Pasture Product - Bayer Cimarron Plus herbicide is absorbed through the foliage and roots of broadleaf weeds, rapidly inhibiting their growth. Leaves of susceptible plants appear pale, yellow, or yellow-white from 1 to 3 weeks after application, and the growing point subsequently dies. The final effects on annual weeds are evident about 4 to 6 weeks after application.

Cimarron Max - Parsons Pest Management Cimarron Max THIS ITEM HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Cimarron Max herbicide is used for selective post emergence annual and perennial broadleaf weed and brush control, suppression inpastures and rangeland, and selective weeding to aid in the maintenance of established grasses in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). You must have an L&O Licence to ...

Cimarron Plus Herbicide - Ranch Wholesale $29.85 Qty: Cimarron Plus Herbicide, Bayer, 10 Oz. Cimarron Plus Herbicide offers residual control to protect pasture and rangeland grasses from problem broadleaf weeds and it offers good activity on woody species like buckbrush, blackberries and dewberries, as well as tough broadleaf weeds. Sold Individually, Case Qty. = 8 x 10 Oz.

PDF DuPont™ Cimarron® MAX herbicide - Weed control and brush management for ... DuPont™ Cimarron®MAX is recommended for use in established stands (planted previous year or earlier) of pasture and CRP grasses. For best resultsapply Cimarron®MAX with at least 10 gallons of water per acre. 15 gallons of water per acre recommended under heavy infestation levels. Timing

DuPont CIMARRON MAX - Washington State University DUPONT™ CIMARRON ® MAX HIGHLIGHTS • CIMARRON® MAX herbicide consists of CIMARRON® MAX PART A and CIMARRON® MAX PART B. • CIMARRON® MAX is a 2 part product used in a ratio of 5 ounces of CIMARRON® MAX PART A to 2.5 gallons of CIMARRON® MAX PART B which will treat 5 (Rate III), 10 (Rate II) or 20 (Rate I) acres as a broadcast ...

PDF DuPont Cimarron Plus - Grasshopper Fertilizer CIMARRON® Plus to these species may result in injury. In warm, moist conditions, the expression of herbicide symptoms is accelerated in weeds and brush; in cold and/or dry conditions, expression of herbicide symptoms is delayed. In addition, weeds and brush hardened-off by drought stress are less susceptible to CIMARRON® Plus. Weed and brush

PDF Cim Max Part A 1 lb 86799065B 190510AV1 etl 072120 CIMARRON® MAX PART A HERBICIDE is registered for use on land primarily dedicated to the production of grass forage in rangeland, pasture s, grass hay fields or grasses in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). CIMARRON® MAX PART A HERBICIDE is intended to be used in combination with CIMARRON ® MAX PART B HERBICIDE for use on grass forage

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