44 princep 4l label
› herbicides › princep-4lPrincep 4L - Herbicide Product & Label Information - Syngenta US Princep 4L Herbicide Control more than 40 broadleaf and annual grass weeds in fruits, nuts and corn with Princep ® 4L liquid herbicide. Princep 4L has many of the same benefits and crop safety of atrazine but can be used in areas where atrazine is not allowed or desired. Active Ingredients: Simazine Resistance Management: Group 5 Herbicide › labels › princep_4lPrincep 4L - Herbicide Product & Label Information | Syngenta US Control more than 40 broadleaf and annual grass weeds in fruits, nuts and corn with Princep 4L liquid herbicide.
Princep Liquid Herbicide | DoMyOwn.com A. Princep Liquid Herbicide is a pre-emergent weed control product and it will not control the weeds that have already emerged in your yard. According to the Princep product label: Apply Princep Liquid after September 1 (after October 1 for annual bluegrass) before emergence of winter annual weeds. Fall applications of Princep Liquid will ...

Princep 4l label
PDF Princep Liquid Label - DoMyOwn.com Princep Liquid contains 4 lb active ingredient per gallon. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. CAUTION EPA Reg. No. 100-526 See additional precautionary statements and directions for use inside booklet. EPA Est. 100-LA-001GBL EPA Est. 70989-MO-001OMS (Superscript is the first three letters of batch code on container) SCP 526B-L57P 1212 4046824 Simazine 4L | Solutions Pest & Lawn Princep Liquid (Simazine 4L) Label (221.37 KB) Princep Liquid (Simazine 4L) SDS (56.89 KB) Description; Additional; Reviews; Product Q&A; Details. Princep Liquid, manufactured by Syngenta, was formerly called Simazine 4L is a pre-emergent herbicide that controls many different common weeds like Poa Annua, Ragweed, Crabgrass, and over 40 other ... PDF 1. Product Identification Princep 4l 2. Hazards Identification Product Name: PRINCEP 4L Ingestion: EPA Registration Number(s): 100-526 Ingredients not precisely identified are proprietary or non-hazardous. Values are not product specifications. Syngenta Hazard Category: B, S Section(s) Revised: 14 Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. Post Office Box 18300 In Case of Emergency, Call 1-800-888-8372 Greensboro, NC ...
Princep 4l label. iaspub.epa.gov › apex › pesticidesLabels for PRINCEP 4L HERBICIDE (100-526) | US EPA Labels for PRINCEP 4L HERBICIDE (100-526) | US EPA Labels for PRINCEP 4L HERBICIDE (100-526) You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more. Provided below is the information for the Product/Registration number selected. Labels Chemical Alt. Brand Name Inactive Alt. Brand Name Transfer History Princep Liquid Herbicide - GreenCast | Syngenta Princep Liquid herbicide provides turf professionals with a tool to use in the fall to control a number of pesky winter annual weeds including Poa annua. It can be used on bermuda, centipede, St. Augustine and zoysia. It enters the weed through the roots to inhibit growth. Active Ingredients: Simazine HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Princep 4L | Landscape Supply Downloads: Label , SDS. Princep Liquid is a pre-emergence herbicide that controls a wide variety of annual broadleaf and grass weeds, including crabgrass, goosegrass and groundsel and many others. Princep can be used on golf courses, residential and commerical lawns, nurseries, landscapes and ornamental plantings, Christmas tree plantings, sod ... assets.syngenta-us.com › pdf › msdsPRINCEP® 4L - Syngenta US PRINCEP® 4L Odorless Light tan liquid 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Vapor Pressure: Solubility (ies): pH: 6 - 8 (10% suspension in H2O) Odor: Appearance: 207 - 225 °F Not Applicable Initial boiling point and boiling range: Melting point/freezing point: Odor Threshold: Not Available Not Available Flammability: Not Applicable > 200°F Not ...
Princep® 4L MSDS | MsdsDigital.com | Search our SDS online database ... Princep® 4L. Princep® 4L MSDS . Special Notice: Our database is made up of both MSDS and SDS. Carefully review the (M)SDS below to see if it's the version you're looking for. Princep Liquid Herbicide Help - Questions and Answers - DoMyOwn.com Princep Liquid Herbicide is a pre-emergent weed control product and it will not control the weeds that have already emerged in your yard. According to the Princep product label For control of summer annuals which emerge after the initial application, apply an additional 1 qt./A Princep Liquid at least 30 days after the initial application, but ... PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, PRINCEP 4L HERBICIDE, 09/15/1986 Princep. 4L_~-Herbicide Permanent Label (Booklet Front Panel) For weed control in certain crops, ornamental plantings, on industria~ sites, and around-the-farm Princep 4L contains 4 lbs. active ingredient per gal. Use entire contents at one time. 2 1/2 Gallons U.S. Standard Measure ~ Keep Out of Reach of Children. ~- Princep 4L - SYNGENTA herbicide Since Princep 4L enters weeds mainly through their roots, moisture is needed to move it into the root zone. Very dry soil conditions following application may necessitate shallow cultivation or rotary hoeing. Princep 4L is nonflammable. Important: Always read and follow label instructions when buying or using this product.
Princep, Simazine (simazine) | NC State Extension Publications Trade Name: Princep, Simazine: Common Name: simazine: Formulations: 4 L, 90 DF: ... Follow label directions for such tank mixes. Needs 1 to 2 inches of water for optimum activity. Cautions and Precautions Skip to Cautions and Precautions. Use lower rates on coarse-textured soils and soils low in organic matter. In nurseries, do not apply for at ... Simazine 4L - DoMyOwn.com SIMAZINE 4L plus Gramoxone Extra tank mix combinations are effective in apple, peach and pear orchards for killing existing vegetation and for residual control of the annual broadleaf and grass weeds listed under General Information. This combination is also effective for top kill and suppression of perennial weeds. Princep Caliber 90 - Herbicide Product & Label Information - Syngenta US Princep Caliber 90 Herbicide. A granular herbicide, Princep ® Caliber 90 ® controls more than 40 broadleaf and annual grass weeds in fruits, nuts and corn. It also may be applied in Christmas tree plantings and shelterbelts. Princep Caliber 90 also offers tank mix flexibility. › herbicides › princep_4lPrincep 4L - Herbicide Product & Label Information | Syngenta US Princep 4L Herbicide Control more than 40 broadleaf and annual grass weeds in fruits, nuts and corn with Princep ® 4L liquid herbicide. Princep 4L has many of the same benefits and crop safety of atrazine but can be used in areas where atrazine is not allowed or desired.
› syngenta-llc › princep-4lPrincep 4L | Syngenta LLC | Agworld DBX | Greenbook View the product label for Princep 4L from Syngenta LLC. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more at Agworld DBX, powered by Greenbook ... Princep 4L Syngenta LLC. Labels. Label SDS. Snapshot ID: 15532 Active ingredients Simazine Classification. C1. Herbicide, Preplant/Preplant Incorporated Herbicide, Preemergence ...
› labels › princep-liquidPrincep Liquid Herbicide | Greencast | Syngenta Herbicide. Princep Liquid is a pre-emergent herbicide that controls a wide variety of annual broadleaf and grass weeds. Princep enters through the root to inhibit growth of a wide variety of weeds, including crabgrass, pigweeds, annual bluegrass, burclover, lawn burweed, chickweed, groundsel, henbit and more. Active Ingredient (s): Simazine.
PDF 1. Product Identification Princep 4l 2. Hazards Identification Product Name: PRINCEP 4L Ingestion: EPA Registration Number(s): 100-526 Ingredients not precisely identified are proprietary or non-hazardous. Values are not product specifications. Syngenta Hazard Category: B, S Section(s) Revised: 14 Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. Post Office Box 18300 In Case of Emergency, Call 1-800-888-8372 Greensboro, NC ...
Simazine 4L | Solutions Pest & Lawn Princep Liquid (Simazine 4L) Label (221.37 KB) Princep Liquid (Simazine 4L) SDS (56.89 KB) Description; Additional; Reviews; Product Q&A; Details. Princep Liquid, manufactured by Syngenta, was formerly called Simazine 4L is a pre-emergent herbicide that controls many different common weeds like Poa Annua, Ragweed, Crabgrass, and over 40 other ...
PDF Princep Liquid Label - DoMyOwn.com Princep Liquid contains 4 lb active ingredient per gallon. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. CAUTION EPA Reg. No. 100-526 See additional precautionary statements and directions for use inside booklet. EPA Est. 100-LA-001GBL EPA Est. 70989-MO-001OMS (Superscript is the first three letters of batch code on container) SCP 526B-L57P 1212 4046824
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